Turbot and tarragon recipe


Baked Turbot & Tarragon Cream
  • 4 Turbot steaks
    Extra virgin olive oil
    Tarragon (fresh if possible)
    Double cream
    White wine
  1. Oil a baking tray with some extra virgin olive oil and place the Turbot steaks into the tray flesh side down. Add some tarragon with sufficient water and wine to ensure that the fish does not dry out during cooking.
  2. Season the fish and place in a hot oven (180C) for around 20 minutes. Check after 10 minutes and add more water if necessary.
  3. When the fish is cooked, roll the dark skin off the steaks using a dessert fork; lift from the baking tray and keep warm.
  4. Stir in a generous amount of cream to the cooking liqour and boil down to half the original volume. Add a little fish stock to taste.
  5. Finish off with a knob of butter, spoon the sauce over the fish and enjoy!
Author: The Cornish Fishmonger
Prep time:
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Serves: 4