Boscastle Trout with Watercress Sauce

Delicious fillets of Boscastle trout swathed in a Pappardelle blanket coated in fresh Watercress sauce, simply delightful

  1. Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil; add a splash of olive oil

  2. Add the pasta to the pan and cook for 8-10 minutes (or as per packet guidelines)

  3. Add a little olive oil to a large frying pan and gently heat.

  4. Pan fry the trout portions, skin side down on a medium heat until cooked 3/4 of the way through (around 5 minutes)

  5. Flip the portions over and cook for 1 minute before transferring to a warmed tray or plate (to allow the fish to rest/continue cooking)

  6. In the same frying pan, add the shallot, followed by the garlic and gently sweat for 3 minutes (by this time your pasta should be almost cooked)

  7. Add the baby watercress and mustard to the frying pan and pour in your watercress sauce

  8. Bring everything to simmering point

  9. Drain your cooked pasta and add it to the completed sauce, combine together

  10. Divide the pasta and sauce between 2 bowls and place your trout portions on top (removing the skin if you prefer)

  11. Finish the dish with a squeeze of lemon and serve


  • Author:
  • Prep time:
  • Cook time:
  • Total time:
  • Serves: 2


160g Boscastle Trout Fillet Portions x 2

120g pouch of Watercress Sauce