Barbecue Monkfish Tails
15 minutes
Monkfish is recognised as a delicacy amongst chefs, and this barbecue recipe places all the focus on the fish, with just some generous seasoning and a hint of citrus to add to the flavour.
- Preheat a bbq with a lid to 200-250c, Bill uses cast iron grill grates to get authentic bar marks.
- Remove the fish from the fridge about half an hour before cooking.
- Cover the fish with a thin coating of olive oil, this will stop it sticking on the grill bars of the bbq.
- Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
- Place the monkfish tails onto the bbq grates and leave with the lid down for 3 minutes. After this time use a fish slice to flip the tail fillets, the fish should release easily, if not, leave for another minute before flipping. Once flipped, cook for another 3-4 minutes.
- When cooked the fish will turn an opaque white colour instead of the translucent colour when raw, the bbq grill bars should give some lovely charred grill lines. You can also check the internal temperature with an instant read thermometer which should read above 62c.
- Remove from the bbq and rest loosely covered with foil on a warm plate for 5 minutes.
- Serve the fish in thick slices with roasted new potatoes, green beans and lemon wedges.
Author BBQ Bill
Author: BBQ Bill
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 2
- 2 whole monkfish tail fillets approx. 1kg
- Olive oil
- Salt and fresh ground black pepper to season
- Lemon wedges to serve