Sustainability - A Cleaner & Greener Future

As a company, we're committed to actively reusing, recycling and reducing solid waste produced by our operations. Apart from recycling paper and plastics, we have also taken the following waste management measures...


Local lobster and crab fishermen collect fish frames free of charge and use it as bait for their shellfish pots. This practice not only subsidies the operating costs of our fishermen, it reduces the amount of low-value fish spices being used as fish bait.


We recycle 100% of the waste generated from crab picking (e.g. crab shells) for its calcium, which is then mixed in with fertiliser to help soil regeneration. We are constantly seeking for new ways to better make use of fish waste. Currently, all other residue of fish waste is converted into bio-gas.


In the last 5 years, we have reduced our land fill volume by 75%.  Any polystyrene packaging materials not fit for re-use is compacted to 5% of its original size before being made available for recycling.

Clean energy

Solar panels have been installed for generating electricity for our factory plant in the country side of Cornwall.  95% of this solar energy is consumed on site. This investment is  helping to cut our energy consumption in the long term but more importantly, is it from a renewable clean green source.